Sardunya Furniture LTD Company was established in 2009 in İnegöl/Bursa.As Sardunya Company, we have been improving our quality and design, service and customer satisfaction, since the day we started our activities in the furniture industry. Every year, we participate in Istanbul International Furniture Fair (IMOB) and also in many foreign Furniture fairs (United Kingdom, India, South
Korea, South Africa, UAE). Our customers in various cities of Turkey and all over the World, demonstrating their interest and relevance in our products, are showing us that they appreciate and reward our achievements. As Sardunya brand, our aim, with all our experience in the furniture sector that we have, is to become one of the leading furniture manufacturers, based in Europe. Today, with our Sardunya Brand, we have dealers at 50 points in Turkey and many sales points in 38 countries, with an average production of 400 sets per month.Our Company is always increasing its production capacity, employment and export.